The Mysteries of The Vector and Matrix

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    • The Mysteries of The Vector and Matrix

      What is the perpose of vectors and how do I use them along with how do I use matrices.
      If you fail do not fret... Just destroy the evidence and imprison the witnesses.

      I used to hate cellphones but now I hate car accidents -Norma Jean
    • Apparently I post quite a bit I have noticed.
      Though don't be annoyed only realize the nerd has a mind like an endless pit. Try not to fall in.
      If you fail do not fret... Just destroy the evidence and imprison the witnesses.

      I used to hate cellphones but now I hate car accidents -Norma Jean
    • If you can't wait for the book, then try to google on "linear algebra", that's the name of vector/matrix math ;)
      "There are of course many problems connected with life, of which some of the most popular are: Why are people born? Why do they die? Why do they want to spend so much of the intervening time wearing digital watches?"
      -Douglas Adams
    • The problem with linear algebra is that most textbooks are too high level and theoretical. The best way to get started is with "Pre-calculus" by David Cohen because it has many problems to do and it also gives you most of the answers.

      You'll also have a deeper understanding of trig and other functions (rational, exponential, conic etc). Many people rush through the trig in high school, not realizing that it is the basis for so many things. Then they try to go into calculus and they are stuck. And triangles are everything in computer graphics.

      After you know quite a bit of math, you may way to check out "Numerical simulations and case Studies" by Salleh et al because it will teach how to implement and graphically display all that math in Windows.

      The post was edited 3 times, last by ari-free ().