Level editor...

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    • Level editor...

      Hi guys! Just wanted some views on my method about creating my own level editor. As I'm working solo, there is no need in creating a complete level editor with AI node points, mulit-user aware tool, etc.

      So I've decided to use 3DS Max, and this is the way I'm going about it. I've actually downloaded the PhysX v2.7 plugin for Max, so that I can actually specify my physical world and export to NXB. The mesh that is generated is exported using PandaSoft by means of .X files. But I was wondering how I would go about adding sound? Say for example I had water fountain, and I wanted to add a "water rushing loop" in 3D space (using OpenAL for that 3D part).

      I was thinking maybe I could use a "dummy" Node in Max, and rename it with the prefix SFX_, like for fountain that would be SFX_Fountain. So that when it came to parsing the .x file all 3d info for sounds could be extracted?? Or am I totally way off base and there's a better method?

      Any ideas on the matter would be very appreciated (I don't think I have the time or energy to build my own level editor!).
      If you put your mind to it, you can accomplish anything.
    • The X file format is customisable, so it would not be a problem to add user defined data items and export them into the x file (but I think you'll have to write your own custom x exporter).
      The D3DX loading routines support user data, so that would not be a problem.
    • the PandaSoft directX .x file exporter does actually support exporting any dummy nodes, as I did a test by exporting in plain text mode. The dummy objects seem to appear as seperate frames, and (thankfully!) does also include the x y z co-ordinates of these frames of reference. So I think exporting is fine. Thanx for the help. I was unsure that D3DX would be able to support any user data.
      If you put your mind to it, you can accomplish anything.
    • Dummy nodes and userdata are great for getting game specific data, like sound tags, into 3DMax.

      You can even use dummy nodes to create instances in 3DMax - so your game will know to use one copied model multiple times around a scene.
      Author, Programmer, Brewer, Patriot
    • Yeah I'll say! I actually have a modelling book (which is more directed towards the torque engine), that says you can export dummy nodes on your main character, so you that you can position 1) the camera and 2) any weapons.

      You could have a dummy node attached to the hand so that you replace it with a weapon, any animation is then done with that weapon, and also a point on the character to store that weapon when its not in use.

      Must admit, there are many uses for dummy nodes in Max.
      If you put your mind to it, you can accomplish anything.
    • Which brings us to the question - "Why the heck are they called 'dummy' nodes when they can be used in such a smart fashion?"

      They are very handy, especially since links are maintained (as mentioned in the Torque book) to allow relative positioning of objects and nodes.

      Look at the material data, there may be a field for exporting user defined surface attributes like what sound footsteps should make on that material, or if the material is sticky, or whatever.
      "Your job is not to die for your country. Your job is to make some other poor sod die for his."