Pinned The Graphics Gems - All Five of Them

    • The Graphics Gems - All Five of Them

      Here are the legendary Graphics Gems - you should have every single one of these books - they are invaluable for any graphics programmer. Follow the links to see them on

      [IMG:images/includes/gems1.jpg] [IMG:images/includes/gems2.jpg] [IMG:images/includes/gems3.jpg] [IMG:images/includes/gems4.jpg] [IMG:images/includes/gems5.jpg]
      Author, Programmer, Brewer, Patriot
    • They are special because...

      The graphics gems are filled with little snippets of code and algorithims that are already well researched and optimized for tasks like detecting the intersection point of a line and a sphere, rasterizing polygons, mixing RGB colors, and all kinds of things.

      Take a look at the table of contents and you'll see what I'm talking about.
      Author, Programmer, Brewer, Patriot
    • RE: The Graphics Gems - All Five of Them

      I am just new to the game development world. I am slowly building up my library of resources. Even though these books are over 8 years old, I would still find them valuable for developing 3d games in 2003?
    • RE: The Graphics Gems - All Five of Them

      In a word - absolutely.
      Author, Programmer, Brewer, Patriot
    • RE: The Graphics Gems - All Five of Them


      ive seen vols 1-3 of the game programming Gems series... They looked fairly interesting
      but they are about 100 bucks a pop( canadian funds)
      and being the poor starving student that i am, it can get pretty pricey
      Bakka mitai!!!
    • RE: The Graphics Gems - All Five of Them

      Save your pennies and get these books when you can - they are probably the best reference books you can own.
      Author, Programmer, Brewer, Patriot
    • Let's not forget the Game Programming Gems series...

      Another set of useful reference that covers a broad spectrum of common tasks in game programming - as the title suggests.

      And the Graphics Programming Black Book by Mike Abrash, for graphics programming (though most of this stuff is probably most useful for software rasterizers).

      3D Game Engine Design...
      Practical Algorithms for 3D Computer Graphics...

      Though I dare say that most of the graphics code in most of these hails back to the Graphics Programming Gems series....
      "Your job is not to die for your country. Your job is to make some other poor sod die for his."
    • Graphics Gems are definately not cheap! I've never actually looked in them, but based on their chapter listings they appear to have tons of very basic, and very useful info that's still quite valuable today.

      My 2 cents on valuable (and free) references that cover some of what in Graphics Gems I is the carniverous hexapod FAQs (1, 2, 3, and 4). And there's tons of useful (and pretty well organized) info at link section at . A poor man's Graphics Gems...maybe?

      The post was edited 1 time, last by DANNER ().

    • I just took a look at these pages, and you are right - there's some great stuff up here - mostly mathmatrics but even getting into some skeletal animation.

      Definitely worth a look, and perhaps a bookmark.
      Author, Programmer, Brewer, Patriot
    • If any of you want to learn up to date Programming Techniques try this…s=books&v=glance&n=283155

      The post was edited 1 time, last by doomlover45 ().

    • I have all of the Game Programming Gems books.
      Also have most of the other 3D programming books mentioned as well as Tricks of the Windows Game Programming Gurus, and Tricks 3D .....Gurus.
      All good resources.
      I need to get the Graphics Gems though and I have also seen some called GPU Gems, are those any good?
    • tweakman wrote:

      I have all of the Game Programming Gems books.
      Also have most of the other 3D programming books mentioned as well as Tricks of the Windows Game Programming Gurus, and Tricks 3D .....Gurus.
      All good resources.
      I need to get the Graphics Gems though and I have also seen some called GPU Gems, are those any good?

      I already heard about, but i dont read any yet!