Pinned SQL2Project

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    • SQL2Project

      Requirements: IIS, MSSQL

      SQL2Project is an easy and inexpensive alternative to Microsoft Project Server. It uses IIS, ASP, and MSSQL to publish your Microsoft Project file to an internal web site. It identifies users with their Windows login, showing them their currently assigned tasks, and highlights tasks that have been completed and those that are running behind. Simple menus can filter the output by person, resource group and date. The display can be sorted by person, task name, duration,
      finish date or start date. Icons identify which tasks have associated notes or web links - which can contain both text and embedded pictures.

      Once your team starts using SQL2Project to get their tasks, they'll never want to be without it.

        (207.87 kB, downloaded 925 times, last: )
      Author, Programmer, Brewer, Patriot
    • RE: SQL2Project

      It should prompt you that GLOBAL.MPT is going to be changed - the only thing I can think of that would keep that from happening is your macro security on MS Project.

      I've been meeting with a client whose IT department overrides macro security - users aren't allowed to even change it. Maybe that is what is happening to you?
      Author, Programmer, Brewer, Patriot
    • RE: SQL2Project


      The problem turned out to be the IT macro security - I know because I actually met bj_golding today in his office!

      Of course, being in Austin was pretty convenient....
      Author, Programmer, Brewer, Patriot
    • SQL2Project setup

      Hello Mrmike

      we're setting SQL2Project at the moment. Setting up the IIS entries, SQL database and MSproject export macro have all gone Ok.

      When we come to the last step though (IIS server setup part II), we just get a general error in the site. We've tried all combinations of users, domains, and trusted / untrusted connections. Can you see something wrong with what we're entering (on the attached screen shot).

      One thought: we've not touched the email settings - is this essential?
      • SQL2Project.jpg

        (99.32 kB, downloaded 1,219 times, last: )
    • RE: SQL2Project setup

      Hey there - email isn't essential - what error are you getting? I've had issues in the past when the directory security wasn't set right on the _admin or include directories - when you hit Save on this page it tries to rewrite config.asp...
      Author, Programmer, Brewer, Patriot
    • Hi mrmike.

      i'm getting

      "Permission denied

      /sql2project/_admin/textProcess.asp, line 110 "

      which i think is this line:
      objFSO.DeleteFile(replace(RootPath,"_admin","includes") & "config.asp")

      I've set both myself, and our system user (which the site runs under in IIS) to have full control of all the folders in SQL2 Project (I'll throttle back the permissions later...).

      I've then tried to click save with the oage set to trusted connection = yes, and also as trusted conn = no, and then put in correct username and password for our system user, but no joy.

      I can create, edit, update, delete files OK from windows explorer in the _admin directory when logged on as me, but not using your app.

      any thoughts?
    • Yup - there's something wrong with the security access on that folder all right - check to make sure that the user IIS is running under has the right permissions to delete files in that folder.
      Author, Programmer, Brewer, Patriot
    • You want the IIS "Directory Security" for all the folders set to "Anonymous Access".

      That "Anonymous Access" user needs read/write permissions to the project database and the IIS NTfiles for SQL2Project.

      The one exception to that is the "verify" folder.
      That folder should be set to "Intergrated Access" in IIS.
      The NT File permissions should be set to "Everyone" Read.

      Quick guide for the verify folder:
      {right click verify folder in IIS}
      Verify Properties - Directory Security tab - (EDIT) Authentication and access control - [Auth.. access] Integrated Windows authentication.
    • Hello MrMike, Ethan, thanks for both your posts.

      I made the recommended changes to security and could then save the _admin changes.

      When i then tried to load the main app, I got an error message about missing views, so I then had a look at the other admin options, and clicked the Refresh Views.

      That got me one step further, but now when trying to run <serverName>/sql2project/default.asp I get a message:

      "Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80040e07'

      [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]The conversion of a char data type to a datetime data type resulted in an out-of-range datetime value.

      /SQL2Project/includes/bulkcode.asp, line 198 "

      Is there some other setup step i need to carry out?

      thanks again
    • Hrm - sounds like there is some folly with the fromDate and toDate values which should be set by default.

      Here's a couple of things to try:
      - Run the SQL_IT macro again and re-publishing the project
      - Publish a different project and see if you get the same result
      Author, Programmer, Brewer, Patriot
    • Thanks mrmike, tried both those things, but still get the same message:

      Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80040e07'

      [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]The conversion of a char data type to a datetime data type resulted in an out-of-range datetime value.

      /sql2project/includes/bulkcode.asp, line 198