Pinned GDC 2007 - Bend Microsoft Project To Your Will

    • RE: GDC 2007 - Bend Microsoft Project To Your Will

      GDC 2007 Presentation: Bend Microsoft Project To Your Will

      Included in this download is the complete PowerPoint deck, notes, sample projects, movies, and all macros
      mentioned in the GDC 2007 session, including SQL2Project.

      Almost everyone agrees that scheduling game production with Microsoft Project is somewhere between difficult to impossible. This lecture exposes tricks in Microsoft Project learned over ten years of consistent use. You will see how to organize your schedules, learn the difference between using priorities and links, how to schedule milestones, understand how to use custom working schedules, and see how to enter extra data into their schedules to keep everything in order.

      You will also see how to keep your schedule up to date, making it a consistent and near-perfect picture of the current state of your project.

      If you are interested only in SQL2Project - you can download it from here .

      If you are interested only in the Microsoft Project Macros - you can download them from here .
      Author, Programmer, Brewer, Patriot