Why didn't the type LPD3DXFILEDATA work?

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    • Why didn't the type LPD3DXFILEDATA work?

      Oh, MrKike, I download the Source Code v2.2 (2nd. Ed.) from here, but it can't pass the compiling.

      There're only one error actually---the type LPD3DXFILEDATA is not valid.I don't know why.I've installed the D9SDK and other statement about the D9 can pass the compiling.
      Huang he yuan shang bai yun jian,
      yi pian gu cheng wang ren shan,
      qiang di he xu yuan yang liu,
      chun feng bu du yu men guan.

      What's this?Yes, a poem.Is it cool?
    • more info....Let me see,

      my tool is Visual Studio.net 2003,

      and my D9 version is 9.0c(4.09.0000.0904).

      and what others must I tell any more?
      Huang he yuan shang bai yun jian,
      yi pian gu cheng wang ren shan,
      qiang di he xu yuan yang liu,
      chun feng bu du yu men guan.

      What's this?Yes, a poem.Is it cool?
    • OK, good news.

      I downloaded and installed the last version of DXSDK and then the problem disappeared!!!

      but a new problem appear!

      this is all:

      g:\mine\ãD\source\physics\physicsstream.cpp(7): fatal error C1083: àÕS+‡ö:NxPhysics.h: No such file or directory

      g:\mine\ãD\source\physics\physicseventlistener.cpp(45): fatal error C1083: àÕS+‡ö:NxActor.h: No such file or directory

      g:\mine\ãD\source\physics\physics.cpp(53): fatal error C1083: àÕS+‡ö:NxPhysics.h: No such file or directory

      (my VS.net is Chinese version.)

      Who can tell me what's wrong?Why did those files lost?
      Huang he yuan shang bai yun jian,
      yi pian gu cheng wang ren shan,
      qiang di he xu yuan yang liu,
      chun feng bu du yu men guan.

      What's this?Yes, a poem.Is it cool?

      The post was edited 3 times, last by Larkie.MiddleEarth ().

    • you can either install the physics libary ( and let me tell you what a joy it is just to find it ). or you can compile without physics by selecting a non physics build from the projects / build menu. there have been threads about this so if you browse around for a bit you're sure to find it. otherwise I'll point you in the right direction when I get a free moment ( err if I get a free moment, and I dont forget :P )
    • I failed to download the NovodeX SDK.I can't find it.

      The AGEIA's homepage has re-built and it seems no longer to provide the free downloads of its SDK.

      And, now, is it still possible to get it??((from other sites)
      Huang he yuan shang bai yun jian,
      yi pian gu cheng wang ren shan,
      qiang di he xu yuan yang liu,
      chun feng bu du yu men guan.

      What's this?Yes, a poem.Is it cool?

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Larkie.MiddleEarth ().

    • I compiled and ran the non physics build and found something wrong, the teapot can't move when I press ADWS, and can't fire when I click left mouse button, but the F1 and Esc can work.

      What's the reason?
      Huang he yuan shang bai yun jian,
      yi pian gu cheng wang ren shan,
      qiang di he xu yuan yang liu,
      chun feng bu du yu men guan.

      What's this?Yes, a poem.Is it cool?
    • Well, first there's no physics . . . That's partly because you're doing a no-physics build, and seeing as physics and movement are generally tightly linked, you might consider the fact that they're not moving because you're doing a build without physics.

      My suggestion is to continue searching the InterTron until you find the physics download. That'd be your best bet, I'd imagine.
      Feel you safe and secure in the protection of your pants . . . but one day, one day there shall be a No Pants Day and that shall be the harbinger of your undoing . . .
    • yeah at the bottom of one fo these threads is the link you're looking for. once you read the phyiscs part youll realize that the game works by controlling simple bounding meshes, which in turn actually update the position and orientation of the world objects. hence the reason nothing moves with physics off. I just recently got the physics sdk and I got this book last christmas, mostly lazyness on my part.
    • OK, I applyed for a new account at AGEIA now.

      this is their response:

      Dear Larkie,

      Your request to open a new customer account has been received. We will notify you with your support login information as soon as your information is approved and your account is created.

      Thank you,
      AGEIA Technologies Inc.

      well, I will wait for it.
      Huang he yuan shang bai yun jian,
      yi pian gu cheng wang ren shan,
      qiang di he xu yuan yang liu,
      chun feng bu du yu men guan.

      What's this?Yes, a poem.Is it cool?
    • Oh, Stellar,while you say you got this book last Chistmas, I still can't get it this moment!

      I only have the first edition which is borrowed from my school library.
      Huang he yuan shang bai yun jian,
      yi pian gu cheng wang ren shan,
      qiang di he xu yuan yang liu,
      chun feng bu du yu men guan.

      What's this?Yes, a poem.Is it cool?
    • I've got the PhysX SDK now.

      The version I uesd is 2.6.0.

      I compiled the program and find 3 new error.It's:

      g:\mine\ãD\source\physics\physics.cpp(786): error C2039: broadPhase :
      /NxSceneDesc„X (broadPhase isn't the member of NxSceneDesc.)

      g:\mine\ãD\source\physics\physics.cpp(786): error C2065: NX_BROADPHASE_COHERENT : *ð„Æ&(NX_BROADPHASE_COHERENT : non-declared identifier.)

      g:\mine\ãD\source\physics\physics.cpp(787): error C2039: collisionDetection :
      /NxSceneDesc„X (collisionDetection isn't the member of NxSceneDesc.)

      It's caused by 2 statements. I turned them to remarks and compiled again. It can run but detected a memory leak and quited without creating the window.

      I know the error must be caused by the changes form the new version. Can I fix it by modifying the code or I must use the old version? (I prefer to the former.)
      Huang he yuan shang bai yun jian,
      yi pian gu cheng wang ren shan,
      qiang di he xu yuan yang liu,
      chun feng bu du yu men guan.

      What's this?Yes, a poem.Is it cool?

      The post was edited 2 times, last by Larkie.MiddleEarth ().

    • I compiled the release build without the 2 error statement and it shows: (the picture) and quit.

      It seems the error is independent of the 2 statement, isn't it?
      • error6502.jpg

        (11.57 kB, downloaded 834 times, last: )
      Huang he yuan shang bai yun jian,
      yi pian gu cheng wang ren shan,
      qiang di he xu yuan yang liu,
      chun feng bu du yu men guan.

      What's this?Yes, a poem.Is it cool?

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Larkie.MiddleEarth ().