Oblivion (Elder Scrolls IV) a MUST have

    • RE: Oblivion (Elder Scrolls IV) a MUST have

      The lead designer and I sat down for about an hour when he first got it to discuss the NPC AI. It's a very well done game. :)

    • Everything about the game is a little roughly implemented. The missions can be buggy, the implemention can be frayed, it will crash every once in a while... but the idea itself and scope of the world is sheer utter brilliance and love. There is no competition for a freeform single player "MMO-style" game of this scope other than the previous Elder Scroll titles.
    • I've been meaning to get this one for a while, but I just took out my student loans (yikes), looks like I won't be playing with any of my money for a long time now :( . Every day without this game is more painful than the last (ahh well, perhaps some day Sean).
    • This game is beautiful in every aspect, From the sound to the landscapes.

      I do agree it's buggy, but for the mass of a game that it is, i let it slide 8)

      Only complaint is the main story was a little too short, but with all that their is to do, it's enough just roaming aimlessly.

      16 acres of beauty.
      Wort wort wort.
    • I love games like that. One of my favorite things to do in Ultima 7 was just wander around. I'd find random stuff around, like a skeleton in the forest, and make up some story about him. Then I'd talk to my party members about it as I built a fire and camped for the night. Oh Iolo, your stories do entertain.

      True story...

    • Originally posted by SeanWC
      Huh, the Ultima games fell far short as far as I'm concerned ( :] just kidding Mike, I'm still as star-struck as ever)

      Nice save! ;)

      What, I get no love for doing Barbie Diaries? It's gonna be a triple-A masterpiece, baby! You're all going to be so jealous when I show up to GDC next year in pink hair and a pink shirt that says Charmz. Just you wait....


    • You know what, you're right. I am jealous and I'm man enough to admit it.

      Though, I honestly haven't played Oblivion that much. It is quite awesome, though I do have problems with this so called Radiant AI. I mean, I can steal a cup from someone's house, ride far and wide, conquer Oblivion Gates, maim and kill and destroy. Then, I arrive in a town across the land from where I stole the cup, set it on the ground in front of the guard, then pick it up, and laugh in amusement as he attempts to cut me down for such dastardly deeds.
      Feel you safe and secure in the protection of your pants . . . but one day, one day there shall be a No Pants Day and that shall be the harbinger of your undoing . . .
    • Yeah, that sounds annoying. They need to have the concept of ownership, so once you steal the cup, you own it. They could also have a level of recognition. For example, steal a normal looking cup and you'll probably be able to sell it in the next town. Steal Jarenah's wedding ring, given to her by the great ancient white dragon in the north, and you probably won't ever be able to sell it.

      Ultima had the concept of ownership. :P

    • Okay, here are two Easter Eggs:
      1) The cover of the ironic t-shirts magazine features Steve Middleman, the middle manager in Rat Race (basically the pointy haired boss).
      2) The bass amp brand name is Kaimo. Bob Kaimo is the guy who does most of the world art modeling.

    • Originally posted by rezination
      Okay, here are two Easter Eggs:
      1) The cover of the ironic t-shirts magazine features Steve Middleman, the middle manager in Rat Race (basically the pointy haired boss).
      2) The bass amp brand name is Kaimo. Bob Kaimo is the guy who does most of the world art modeling.


      What? No Anatomically Correct Mode? No Drunken College Barbie hidden area? No on 100th time checking purse she says "now where did I put my little black book?"
      "Your job is not to die for your country. Your job is to make some other poor sod die for his."
    • Well, the artists did come up with a new way for Barbie to gain friendship & loyalty........ (True story).

    • I used to love doing that in Ultima 7. Whenever I got frustrated at some stupid NPC I'd slaughter him and go on a killing spree in the town. The Guardian is an ametuer! Eat Sword Strike!

      Then I'd load and be a nice little avatar.....
