Resource Cache and Asset Management

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    • Resource Cache and Asset Management

      I'm going to write my own resource manager and by looking through the ResCache in the book I'm wondering what happens with the assets themselves. The ResCache is only there for handling the asset files, right?
      But who's to delete the assets when there is no more room left?
      And I assume it would be enough for one file to stay in memory until the asset is loaded (with the D3DXCreateFromFileInMemory APIs for example). So shouldn't the ResCache be the one who reads a file from the ResourceFile and then store/manage the asset itself and not the asset's file?

      Or is it this way only because it's a simple resource cache after all?
      If this is the case (and otherwise too :)) please Mr.Mike tell me more about resource caching and managing :)

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Turing ().