Mac user

    • Hi, I'm learning programming and I really want to dive into Game Dev. I did some CS courses to start but my goal is to program games. I recently started following a tutorial using c++ and I managed to make a TicTacToe game on xCode by myself, a very little step but the feeling of going into the right direction is good! :)
      Now, I have an iMac, I work with XCode, I know mac isn't really great for gaming but is what I have now and I actually like to code on xcode.
      My question is: since this book seems really good to learn and dive into game development, I'd like to buy it but, will I be able to get all from it without DirectX?
      Is the only thing that worries me since I'm not sure if not having a windows machine will make my life harder or unable to use this book :/.

      Thanks in advance for you responses :)
    • There are three chapters specifically on graphics. One of them is generic enough that you should be able to get something from it (it's mostly a 3D math primer and talks about global concepts like transforms). The other two will give you a few concepts, but they are DirectX heavy so they will be of less use to you. There's also a chapter on sound development which uses DirectSound, but you can still get a lot of the concepts from that. You'll just have to translate it over to something else. There's also a sprinkling of Windows code here and there, but nothing that you can't work around since you've already made a small project.

      I'm not sure about the third party libs. Some may work with mac, others may not.

      I think the book will be good for the architecture and concepts. All of them translate to any kind of game programming.
