To Upgrade or Not? 2010 to 2013 Visual Stuido?

    • To Upgrade or Not? 2010 to 2013 Visual Stuido?

      Hey GCC Nation, (Yes, I coined this term) :P

      What do all of you think about upgrading from 2010 to 2013 and if it is really needed? Currently I'm running 2010 and not wanting to pay $400 to upgrade to the new release, as I'm using Visual Assist with 2010 and it's absolutely amazing. Rez recommended this to me a while back and it is AMAZING to say the least. Check it out here btw.. it will change your life.
      You may call me char 71 97 100 100 97 109.
    • Microsoft have released "Visual Studio 2013 Community" which is VS2013 for free. They have limitations on usage depending on your situation, but it's pretty flexible. It isn't like the old VS Express versions, it's fully featured and also supports plug-ins like VisualAssist. I've been using it with my project after growing tired of trying to get C++11 compliant compilers working on Windows.
    • I upgraded to Visual Studio 2013 for three reasons (in no particular order):
      1. My work started using it.
      2. C++ 11.
      3. The compiler/optimizer is better.
    • If you haven't used C++11 before then you'll probably never be able to go back. As someone who learned with C++11 I honestly can't fathom old and archaic C++98 must have felt. VS2013 still isn't complete though, you still can't use the "noexcept" keyword or default/delete move constructors which is REALLY irritating when you want to write standard code. VS2015 will fix these issues but by that point I'd rather have full C++14 support, auto parameters for lambdas? Yes please!
      My Systems:
      [SIZE=1]Ragnarok: i5 750 @ 3200MHz | Titan Fenrir | MSI P55-GD65 | 8GiB Vengence 1600MHz CAS 9 | 1GiB 6950 DirectCU II | 60GB Crucial M4 | Samsung F3 500GB | Samsung F3 1TB | Seasonic X-750 | X-Fi XtremeGamer | HAF932 | Win 7 Pro | openSUSE[/SIZE]
    • On the subject, how is the upgrade for the code going, is it going to come anytime soon (this year)?
      I've been doodling with the original code. Tried upgrading the bullet physics, and changing the math library to use win 8 sdk math, but it's still not running.
      Ps. Is there an irc channel you guys hang out on? (mrmike, rezination)?
    • Not sure. Last I heard, Mike got some part of it working but was still having issues.

      I'll talk with him about creating a private branch and checking in what he has so I can take over the upgrade. I think I have a bit more bandwidth than he does these days.
