Microsoft Visual Studio Ultimate 2015 Preview

    • Microsoft Visual Studio Ultimate 2015 Preview

      Hi. Just wondering if your going to put some updated visual studio projects/solutions for vs2015. ive tried converting them. i get loads of warning. but the main thing is linking errors which i cant seem to resolve. dealing with the CRT i belive.
      if anyone can help. Thanks. :(
    • Oh man, probably not any time soon. It's not just building Game Coding Complete, it's all the 3rd party libs that need to be recompiled. We're having a hell of a time upgrading all the projects to VS 2013.

      Even if the game were fully working on later compilers, we wouldn't bother updating it to 2015 until there was a full release that we were satisfied was stable. Visual Studio 2010 was terrible when it was first released and didn't stabilize until the first service pack. Upgrading to a beta or preview version of VS can be a disaster.

      Of course, if you want to try and take that on, you're totally welcome to. :)
