
    • BuildRigidBodyTransform

      In PhysicsComponent::BuildRigidBodyTransform (PhysicsComponent.cpp) about line 249 pPositionElement is used for assigning m_rigidBodyOrientation.
      Should it not be pTransformElement instead for each of the roll, pitch, yaw values.

      PhysicsComponent.cpp starting at line 231

      Source Code

      1. TiXmlElement* pPositionElement = pTransformElement->FirstChildElement("Position");
      2. if (pPositionElement)
      3. {
      4. double x = 0;
      5. double y = 0;
      6. double z = 0;
      7. pPositionElement->Attribute("x", &x);
      8. pPositionElement->Attribute("y", &y);
      9. pPositionElement->Attribute("z", &z);
      10. m_RigidBodyLocation = Vec3(x, y, z);
      11. }
      12. TiXmlElement* pOrientationElement = pTransformElement->FirstChildElement("Orientation");
      13. if (pOrientationElement)
      14. {
      15. double yaw = 0;
      16. double pitch = 0;
      17. double roll = 0;
      18. pPositionElement->Attribute("yaw", &yaw); //shiuld it not be pTransformElement->Attribute("yaw", &yaw);
      19. pPositionElement->Attribute("pitch", &pitch);
      20. pPositionElement->Attribute("roll", &roll);
      21. m_RigidBodyOrientation = Vec3((float)DEGREES_TO_RADIANS(yaw), (float)DEGREES_TO_RADIANS(pitch), (float)DEGREES_TO_RADIANS(roll));
      22. }
      Display All

      Sorry if this is a duplicate of a known issue, I did a quick look (A Mans "Look") and found nothing.
    • Yes and No,

      pPositionElement->Attribute("yaw", &yaw); //shiuld it not be pTransformElement->Attribute("yaw", &yaw);

      Yes you are right in that this should not be pPositionElement.

      Should it not be pTransformElement instead for each of the roll, pitch, yaw values.

      No in that it should actually be pOrientationElement which is retrieved from the pTransformElement. Good catch though, just a quick typo in which one to use.

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