What's included?

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    • What's included?


      I was thinking about buying your book but I'm a bit unsure about what's included.

      I have been coding in C++ and C# for a couple of years now, so I'm not looking for a C++ tutorial but I recently started learning DirectX for 3D games with C++.

      However, the book I was looking at only covers graphics and simple user input.

      So I searched online for a book that would cover programming the game itself, a user interface(start up menu), and a bit more about engines.

      For example I was looking for: granting achievements, making a map, using sprites, character movement (like climbing ladders, balance beams and swimming), a user interface and HLSL.

      Would your book be good for me and others in the same situation?
      And if so does it cover all or some of the things I have listed above?
      If not could you recommend a book like that?

      Thanks in Advanced.

      Carl //.

      The post was edited 2 times, last by Checkmate_001 ().

    • The book doesn't really go into specifics like that (granting achievements, making a map, etc). Instead it gives a great view of how all the pieces can fit together and interact while keeping them as distinct pieces. I would recommend it to anyone looking for an overview of how a simple game engine can be created and implemented in a game. It does cover some HLSL, but only at a basic level. Essentially it gives you a great foundation of game programming so that you can deep dive into other books, sources, and programs yourself.

      The amazon link has a "look inside" option. You should check out the table of contents which might give you a better idea of what's in it as well. Link: amazon.com/Game-Coding-Complet…ords=game+coding+complete

    • The book doesn't really go into specifics like that (granting achievements, making a map, etc). Instead it gives a great view of how all the pieces can fit together and interact while keeping them as distinct pieces. I would recommend it to anyone looking for an overview of how a simple game engine can be created and implemented in a game. It does cover some HLSL, but only at a basic level. Essentially it gives you a great foundation of game programming so that you can deep dive into other books, sources, and programs yourself.

      I couldn't describe it any better, he's absolutely right :)

      If I bought this book what would you suggest as a companion so that I would be able to cover all if not most aspects of DirectX game programming with C++?

      I would recommend this book:
      DirectX book
      Though I haven't read it completely yet, it's a great book and I'd definitively recommend it. AFAIK, it covers pretty much everything and could be considered the bible of DirectX ;)