About luaplus51-1201.lib error, please help.

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    • About luaplus51-1201.lib error, please help.

      I am confused about an error

      Cannot open file luaplus51-1201.lib

      Somebody advised that library is found in the Dependencies file. He also suggested to download it from the original maker, the LuaPlus gitHub site.

      I am a little confused what to do: should I look at Dependencies file or download it. Could you please explain me step by step what I am supposed to do?

      Thanks for help.
    • You should really read a beginner C++ book, and maybe something that includes visual c++. This question involves linking the LuaPlus library into the executable file for Teapot Wars, which you can either download in the 3rd party libraries archive from the google code site for Game Coding Complete, or build the library yourself as you would any other library.
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