San Diego Developer Scene

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    • San Diego Developer Scene

      Hey guys,

      I was hoping someone could do me a big favor and possibly share some info in regards to the San Diego game developer scene.

      I was extremely fortunate to get offered a position as the lead tools architect for a new gaming studio startup out there (I currently live in CO). I really want to take the position as I feel like getting my foot in the door of a gaming studio is a rare opportunity and it's been my dream job for years (I'm currently 30), however they countered my salary proposal with quite a bit less than what I'm currently making as a software engineer in the business realm and San Diego's cost of living is much higher.

      Can anyone give me any insight as to what a decent salary in San Diego for a senior level programmer would be? Any other advice would be awesome and welcome too :)

      Thank you very much in advance and happy coding.

      - Nick
    • RE: San Diego Developer Scene

      You are going to make considerably less in the games industry than in the business sector (I could probably make half-again my current salary down the street at Oracle). Furthermore, many companies will offer a lower salary to those with no games experience.

      If you want to know specifics, send me a PM with what they offered and I can give you some insight.

    • RE: San Diego Developer Scene

      Originally posted by rezination
      You are going to make considerably less in the games industry than in the business sector


      Dammit, you're ruining my dreams :D I've read somewhere that avg game developer salary is about $90k / year. Is this true? Because if it's considerably less than this, then there's no point for me trying to relocate abroad and I'll correct my life plans then.
      Looking for a job!
      My LinkedIn Profile
    • It depends on what you mean by "average". The average salary for a junior engineer is around $65k. An experienced technical director can make $135k+. It's all about experience, like anything else. However, you definitely shouldn't think that you'll be starting out making $90k. That's pretty rare for someone with very little experience.


    • RE: San Diego Developer Scene

      Originally posted by bullgoose311
      I actually tried sending you a PM yesterday but apparently your inbox is full and still looks to be. Would you mind sending me one that I could respond too?


      Weird, I only have like 8 messages in there. I clear it out pretty regularly. I did get a PM earlier this morning and will respond shortly.
