Help Required With Code I.D. Pls....

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    • Help Required With Code I.D. Pls....

      Hi there everyone, my first post so please be gentle.... also i am a complete newbie at anything like this (although quite intelligent, i think) AND it's my birthday so you have to be extra kind lol.

      I have a code that enables me to send an item in a game called Airport City Free to Fly, and i have more codes too, but some are slightly different.

      What i want to know is a) what kind of code is it? As i will have no idea what forum/site to post my further questions should i need to....
      and b) is there anyone on here that is willing to give me just a little time to help me out with something maybe via pm or email if not allowed on here with regards to editing a code to reflect a new task?
      I'm "almost" there i think with where i need to be, but i am stuck grrrrrr... so frustrating!!

      Many thanks in anticipation.. i am a closet geek and love learning new stuff and enjoying this challenge but i am about to throw dear old lappy out the penthouse window :(


    • RE: Help Required With Code I.D. Pls....

      I've never played that game but it is probably a code you enter into the game or on the game's website, which then validates the code in a database somewhere and if it clears validation the game server will add the item to your inventory.

      The codes are generated from some random and non-random parts, typically, with each part going through some sort of validation process.

      I assume you are asking how these codes are generated? If so, and you a re a programmer wishing to learn how that kind of thing happens, then this is the web site for you.

      Hacking codes for the purposes of redeeming products that were never purchased is, for obvious reasons, is seen by me and many others as theft so discussions of that kind aren't allowed on this site.

      I'm sure that's not what you were going for - I just wanted to mention it to avoid any confusion.
      Author, Programmer, Brewer, Patriot