Could you please help with error in rurrning TeapotWars_2010

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    • Could you please help with error in rurrning TeapotWars_2010

      Could you please help with my error?
      I did all steps from readme and after running TeapotWars_2010 get the following errors:

      Failed creating the Direct3D
      [Error] handle
      Function ResCache: GetHandle

      Line 357

      Thanks. Alec
    • RE: Could you please help with error in rurrning TeapotWars_2010

      This is a problem with the directory setup. You need to set your working directory to the appropriate place (the readme file tells you exactly how to do this).

      Let me know if you have any more trouble.

    • RE: Could you please help with error in rurrning TeapotWars_2010

      I still get the same error.

      I set up my working directory

      debugging ->c:\game_code44\dev\game

      and the same error appeared again.

      Failded creating the Direct3D divice

      Then I set up my working directory to

      and still the same error.

      Please help me with this error.
