GDC 2013 - Generating Useful, Meaningful (and Beautiful) Project Data from Perforce

    • GDC 2013 - Generating Useful, Meaningful (and Beautiful) Project Data from Perforce

      For those of you who might be interested in my other, secret life as a game producer (yeah, really), here's the lecture I gave at GDC 2013!

      Perforce is great for managing assets and storing detailed information about your project - if you can just get to it. This session will show producers how to mine this data to answer simple questions, such as who worked on what projects and when. A deeper analysis of this data can yield interesting and even surprising results. The analysis can show the effectiveness of core policy changes, such as crunch time or how a project is utilizing resources. More importantly, this information is predictive, allowing accurate evidence-based scheduling that could drastically improve the accuracy of project planning.
      Author, Programmer, Brewer, Patriot
    • It is indeed. Don't laugh when you see it.
      Author, Programmer, Brewer, Patriot
    • I've typically used this script to analyze existing databases with years of history, so I just call it in a loop with a changelist range - but yes you could also install it in a trigger.
      Author, Programmer, Brewer, Patriot