Scene graph: view frustum question

    • Scene graph: view frustum question

      Hi all,

      As this is my first post I'll give a quick sketch of my current situation :)
      For the last half year I've been teaching myself about game architecture and general C++. I had bought your book and, while I could tell it's filled with alot of great information, I felt a bit overwhelmed at first. So after a quick initial read-through I decided to do some experimentation of my own, and come back to the book later once I was more comfortable with 3D coding.

      I had made a nice little editable terrain system, which supported view frustum culling. Of course this wasn't the most clean, structured code, but it got the job done for learning purposes. Basically each frame I would update the view frustum by extracting the planes from Open GL's modelview matrix (yes, I'm using OpenGL iso direct 3D). And then tested if my terrain patches were in the frustum.

      Now I've been working on implementing a scene graph similar to the one described in your book, but adjusted for OpenGL and with a bit of my own influence. One thing I'm having a hard time with understanding however, is where/when the frustum in the CameraNode gets updated per frame?

      Actually, while posting this I just realised that in SceneNode's VIsVisible the node gets transformed into camera space, and thus relative to it's frustum.

      So I guess I just answered my own question, but I'd still like to say hi from Belgium, and thanks for the interesting book! I'm looking forward to implementing an actor system based off yours too :)

      Kind regards
      Cheers and beers from Belgium!
    • RE: Scene graph: view frustum question

      Sometimes just talking about your problem is all you need to solve it. :)

      Welcome to the boards.

    • RE: Scene graph: view frustum question

      Welcome to the GCC4 forum! Feel free to ask any question any time - that's why we're here.
      Author, Programmer, Brewer, Patriot