Point Cloud Colllission Hull

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    • Point Cloud Colllission Hull

      Hey guys what's happenin, nothing like coding video games on a Friday night.

      Anyways So I'm to a point where I want my missile to behave like a missile when it collides with something. Right now it's collision hull is a rectangle so usually when it's head hits the ground it'll end up standing up side down (which is what I'd expect a rectangle to do).

      What I'd like to do is use the AddPointCloud method of the physics simulator (which I don't think is currently used in GCC4), however it needs a list of vertices. Do I have to hard-code this list or should I pull it from the vertex buffer? Is there a better / easier way to go about this?

      (The missile model has 1392 vertices)


      The post was edited 1 time, last by bullgoose311 ().

    • I wouldn't personally suggest having a collision hull with that many vertices, but I also wouldn't hard code it. I would integrate a system that let me define in a data file the point cloud vertices, XML is perfect for this. When I was playing with 3D this is exactly what I did to fill in that AddPointCloud method, just imagine if the physics had to simulate even just 20 of those missiles, thats alot of points to calculate even taking broad phase filtering into consideration that's still a bit overkill.

      Also, have you tried something like a capsule shape, or did that not work out for your missile proportions?
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    • Hey man thanks for the reply.

      I'm kind of taking things step by step so I didn't think about how that many vertices would affect the performance of the engine but you're absolutely right that would never work in the long run.

      Both of your ideas are good ones, I just took a look and Bullet supports a capsule shape natively which should work pretty well for a missile. Storing point cloud vertices in an XML file sounds like a good approach for the long haul so I'll definitely look into implementing that down the road (though it sounds pretty tedious to have to first create the model using a tool like Blender, then manually figure out the point cloud vertices and have to change them if / when the model changes. Oh well, guess that's what designers are for huh?)

      I did have one more thought, have you ever experienced a design in which point clouds were never used but instead the model's collision hull was made up of several collision hulls? For example, a capsule doesn't perfectly fit a missile because the bottom of the missile is flat, but combining a capsule with a box on the bottom where the capsule and box overlap would work perfect...

      If this sounds like it might be a good approach, what would be the best way to fit it into the GCC4 architecture? Maybe we create an abstraction for the collision hull shape that wraps bullet's shape, then the PhysicsComponent takes an array of these abstractions as opposed to a single one??

      Thanks for the feedback!

      The post was edited 1 time, last by bullgoose311 ().

    • In my engine, I have separate RigidBody and CollisionShape components which interface with the physics system, I have the data structures encapsulated, such as RigidBody, CollisionShape, Constraints, etc.

      There are lots of cases where you would want to have multiple collision hulls, such as a car, which would have many different parts, mainly the chassis, wheels, doors, etc.

      My CollisionShape component is an interface that a single actor may have to create multiple associated collision hulls, you can reference them by name even, frankly though my game does not require this, and I will not likely use it, but it is a good feature to have.
      PC - Custom Built
      CPU: 3rd Gen. Intel i7 3770 3.4Ghz
      GPU: ATI Radeon HD 7959 3GB
      RAM: 16GB

      Laptop - Alienware M17x
      CPU: 3rd Gen. Intel i7 - Ivy Bridge
      GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 660M - 2GB GDDR5
      RAM: 8GB Dual Channel DDR3 @ 1600mhz
    • Also - collision hulls tend to be MUCH simpler than the visible geometry. You will lose collision precision, but players tend to forgive that in exchange for a 60Hz framerate.
      Author, Programmer, Brewer, Patriot
    • Hey guys another question on collisions, this time in regards to handling them.

      Right now I have an actor that shoots a missile in an arc, so I set it's animation component to an implementation that SLERPs the rotation of the missile over time so that it starts pointing positive 45 degress from the horizontal and ends pointing negative 45 degrees from the horizontal.

      Start: /

      End: \

      (Note this isn't the actual movement of the missile across the screen as that is handled else where, this is just the rotation of the missile itself.)

      Anyways, if it collides with something I want the animation to stop so initially I had setup an event listener in the Missile object who would then compare ActorIds and if it found that it was itself that collided, it would essentially kill it's own animation component. However at this point (probably for obvious reasons) I'm thinking this is not ideal and want to re-factor...

      I'm thinking another possible approach would be a single event listener in the GameLogic who pulls the actors that collided, then executes some kind of ICollisionHandlerComponent abstraction if the actor has one in it's components collection and does nothing otherwise.

      Do you guys have any opinions on which approach is better? Or perhaps ideas on a more flexible approach?


      The post was edited 1 time, last by bullgoose311 ().

    • I'd implement the collision handler component for sure. You might implement the collision handler component to accept an object filter - because it might be nice to implement a handler if ANY objects collided, such as an audio monitor that could launch sound effects or a particle system that could launch particles.
      Author, Programmer, Brewer, Patriot