Actors.h, Actors.cpp

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    • Actors.h, Actors.cpp

      Hey there,

      I started programming my own Engine a couple of days ago. I stumbled across the Actors.h and Actors.cpp and wondered if those are still up-to-date? They seem a bit outdated in sense of architecture.

      I don't get the point in defining an Actor class but at the same time having an IActor Interface with a BaseActor Class? And those ActorParams are in conflict with the ActorComponent architecture aren't they?

      Maybe there is something I am missing but I just want to know if I can ignore them or not? Since there was never a word about it in the fourth edition of the book and the source code refers to the third edition.

      Thanks in advance for the help.

      The post was edited 2 times, last by gbarnes ().

    • RE: Actors.h, Actors.cpp

      The old IActor, BaseActor, and various ActorParams classes from GCC 3 are obsolete. I completely rewrote the actor system for GCC 4. They shouldn't be in the 4th edition code at all.

    • IActor and BaseActor are not in the code base at all, so I'm not sure what you're seeing. The only class that should be there is Actor, which lives in Actor.h/cpp. This is the rewritten class. There's also ActorComponent and ActorFactory, which are also part of the system described in the 4th edition of the book. There's a C# file called ActorComponentEditor.cs.

    • Hi Rez,

      How about the link in my message ?
      Here is a screenshot as well of what I am seeing.

      Am I in some sort of twilight zone ?

      There is the GCC4 Actor.h (without "s") in the repo as well, so it is ok for me to find the code from the 4th edition.

      It was just to notify the mix so people don't get lost. But if you don't access the link, isn't it the right repo ?
      • actors.JPG

        90.69 kB, 1,430×729, viewed 1,177 times
    • Okay, I see what happened. I opened the solution, did a global search for those classes, and came up with nothing. The files do exist, but they aren't in the solution and not included anywhere. Actors.h and Actors.cpp can be deleted; they're not used or referenced anywhere.
