No One is interested in 3d?!?!@

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    • No One is interested in 2D?!?!@

      I am incredibly surprised that there is no posts in this thread..

      maybe that will change after i delve into the realm of 3d programming... ;)

      But i am having a lot of fun.... and giving myself quite a few headaches with 2d programming...

      I was wondering if anyone is working on any 2d projects..

      Right now i am at a coop position at school and to keep myself in practice with programming i am working on a Tetris-style game(or should i say falling four figured block style game ;) )

      This in fact is the first "real" game that i have worked on..

      Other than trivial pursuit in Turing ;)

      Oh well.. I hope you enjoyed my disjointed post
      Bakka mitai!!!

      The post was edited 1 time, last by justin ().

    • RE: No One is interested in 2D?!?!@

      Well, i am beginning programming so i have started w/ 2d. I am currently working on a third-person Arena-Like game where you are a ship and you try to battle your way thru levels, gaining money, upgrading, and hopefully will be peer-to-peer connection so it can be independently online... It is definatly the defination of a project, and hopefully enuff to get me familiar w/ many different things...
      Wort wort wort.