about the heap corruption bug

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    • about the heap corruption bug

      Hi, Mr Mike, I'm the chinese guy again..to your response of my last thread: you're very welcome:). We should thank you for your excellent work to help the beginners know the entire game development,That's really helpful:)

      Today I found the bug as here mentioned.

      That means the program has a heap corruption problem. I found the key code is here:

      In function :CMessageBox::CMessageBox(std::wstring msg, std::wstring title, int buttonFlags)

      we can found
      m_UI.AddButton(..g_pApp->GetString(IDS_CONTINUE).c_str()... );

      Use the string.c_str() should be very careful.Look at the function declaretion:

      AddButton(...LPCWSTR strText..);
      std::wstring GameCodeApp::GetString(const int nID);

      when GetString().c_str() passed to AddButton() and after AddButton()'s field, the string is destroyed that means the c_str() pointer is deleted too. But the CMessageBox is still using it.

      so that's the problem.
      Again, I hope this would help the readers like me searching code problems in this forum.:)

      Edit.. oops...I add the


      to the code, it detected another heap corruption..and I don't know why..

      The post was edited 2 times, last by shallway ().