Success #1 - VS 2010 works.

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    • Success #1 - VS 2010 works.

      Getting GCC3 up and running under VS 2010 isn't too bad - here's what I did:

      1. Ran the conversion utility.
      2. Created new Include directory property pages that put the Windows includes BEFORE the DirectX includes.
      3. Created my own CSize, CRect, and CPoint classes based on the old MFC based alttypes.h file (attached) - replace alttypes.h with gcctypes.h
      4. In String.cpp - changed std::string.npos to std::string::npos.

      Now that this works - I'll grab the latest DirectX and get THAT to work. Thanks again for your patience, and especially thanks for all those posts about how to fix these problems.
      • gcctypes.h

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      Author, Programmer, Brewer, Patriot