
    • Hey Barge Boy,

      How come you're the only one who gets a custom Avatar?

      From the Avatar tab in the profile section:
      "Custom avatars can have a maximum size of 0*0 pixels and 0 bytes."

      ...And yes, I tested this by trying to upload a 2k .gif.

      Peace, Love, and Chicken Grease!
    • According to the Statistics box on the front page (bottom-right) there are four avatars. Including mine :)
      When I go to my profile/avatars page I see this:
      "Custom avatars can have a maximum size of 100*100 pixels and 10000 bytes". Maybe they've been disabled, like the resources forums, since I uploaded mine, I dunno.
      pan narrans
    • RE: Avatars?

      Uh - Whoops!

      Your group didn't have the avatar privs set right.

      Sorry about that! You'll find it all fixed now.
      Author, Programmer, Brewer, Patriot