HELP! So many Lua compile issues

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    • HELP! So many Lua compile issues

      Seems there are several people on here with possibly the same problem, so I'll just start yet another post, but give lots of details.

      Using Visual Studio 2008 Pro.
      I tried both 3rdparty zip files on the code download site.
      The path for C++ Compiler settings' Additional Include Directories is correct and points to the LuaPlus src folder.
      I can right click on LuaObject and select "Go to Definition" which brings up a "Resolve Ambiguity" menu with several LuaObject definitions.

      This is the first error to be repeated over and over:
      Error 2 error C2061: syntax error : identifier 'LuaObject' e:\dev\gamecode3\gamecode3\source\actors.h 128 GameCode3

      Any help would be greatly appreciated!
    • RE: HELP! So many Lua compile issues

      Check out this thread:…did=1178&sid=&hilight=lua compile&hilightuser=0 about midway down. There are definitely issues with namespaces that somehow didn't crop up in VS 2005.
      Author, Programmer, Brewer, Patriot
    • Thanks for the reference to the other thread.
      I ended up downloading the /branches/test/ branch like recomended in that thread and it compiles after giving the projects a few references to libraries.

      I try to fire up the Editor or TeaPot Wars and it crashes with:

      The application failed to initialize properly (0xc0150002). Click on OK to terminate the application.

      I threw the teapotwars exe into Dependency Walker and discovered that LuaPlusD_1100.dll is referencing a missing MSVCR80D.DLL. I assume this means I need to recompile LuaPlus from scratch to get a DLL with the MSVCR90D.DLL I likely have buried on my system? :(