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    • Ok, I browsed the forum and of course found out I'm not the first one to have this issue.

      I set all my working directory settings to ..\..\Bin, EXCEPT for the GameCode3 project, which is set to ..\Bin, and I was able to compile and run.

      Now I can finally follow the book and learn the code!

      I can only run from the IDE; when I run from Windows Explorer (double-clicking the TeapotWarsd.exe file in the ..\..\Test folder) I get "The application failed to load because zlib.dll was not found."

      I fixed this by setting the TeapotWars' and Lang's project output folder to ..\..\Bin also
      VS 2008
      MS Vista Home Premium 32-bit

      The post was edited 1 time, last by ChrisF ().

    • I think you are getting much closer now - because the memory leaks are reported you are past the global object initialization. You should be able to put a breakpoint on the entry point and trace the program to the point of failure.

      Look for wWinMain in TeapotWars.cpp - put a breakpoint on that and debug - tracing through the initialization sequence should bring you to where the failure is.
      Author, Programmer, Brewer, Patriot