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  • Future?

    rezination - - General Discussions


    Alrighty! Mike & I had a conversation last night to get on the same page. Here's the server link: This is a pemalink, but it dies after five uses. If you want to invite a friend, please generate a new link from the server rather than sending this one. I chose to have it die because I'm paranoid of the spambots. Edit: Link has been made permanent. See you all there! -Rez

  • Future?

    rezination - - General Discussions


    Hey everyone, Man, it's been *years* since I've posted. I really miss this community; for several years it was this little pearl of awesome on the internet. We were big enough that we got a lot of interesting posts, but small enough that we didn't attract the trolls. It looks like there's still a bit of a community here, so what would you say about maybe moving to Discord? I'd be happy to set up a discord server or something and post the invite link for those who want to join. That's where a lot…